The throat chakra is important when it comes to creativity and self-expression. I usually find people with imbalances in chakra two have issues with chakra five ( the throat chakra). There are many reasons why people have a dysfunctional throat chakra, and in this blog, I will break down the five main reasons why.
If you read the book Chakra Healing, you will learn we experience a different level of consciousness every seven years. From ages 28-35, we go through the consciousness of communication, which correlates to the throat chakra. Issues with the throat chakra can show up from childhood.
The throat chakra Physical malfunctions:
Neck muscles
Traumas that can cause a dysfunctional throat chakra:
Mixed messages
Excessive criticism
Strict parents
Numbed family, drugs/traumas/alcohol
I have a couple of questions for you. Did you get shut down anytime you tried expressing your feelings when you were younger? Did you have a fear of public speaking? Do you choke up anytime to express your feelings or do public speaking? This could be the root cause of your throat chakra dysfunction.
Got a question? Leave it below, and I will address it in a future podcast!
Keep being GREAT!
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